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Prioritising applications

How is my application assessed?

Each case is assessed individually within the Allocations Policy criteria. There are five bands A to E and a separate Open Property Register.  You will be placed into the most appropriate band that reflects your housing need, based on the information supplied in your application form and any supporting information.

What are the bands?

The table below gives details regarding the criteria for each Band


Band A

  • Life threatening or severe disability need
  • A member of the household cannot be discharged from hospital or rehabilitation until suitable housing is provided AND had settled accommodation in the area they are applying for prior to the hospital admission
  • A member of the household is likely to soon require admission to hospital or residential/nursing care and re-housing would enable that person to remain at home
  • Exceptional welfare needs (e.g. child or vulnerable adult protection concerns) and a move would make things better
  • Supported housing tenants who have been assessed as ready to move on, including care leavers
  • Applicants living in a disability adapted housing belonging to a Select Move Partner which can be released to a household who needs it
  • Urgently need to move due to exceptional circumstances, and there is a risk to your safety if you remain in your current home
  • Statutory overcrowded and this has been verified by the Local Authority
  • Applicants in a private property which is unfit to live in and this has been verified by the Local Authority
  • Exceptional Circumstances / Management Transfers

Band B

  • Unintentionally homeless and in a high priority group (as determined by Local Authority
  • Tenants of a Select Move  housing association property, under-occupying their home by 2 or more bedrooms
  • Tenants of a Select Move housing association property moving from family housing to non family housing
  • Applicants who need to move due to severe overcrowding (short by 2 or more bedrooms)
  • Medical grounds where an assessment has confirmed a move will stabilise or improve the condition(s)
  • The household includes a person who provides essential care to someone in another region and they cannot deliver that care from their current location
  • An applicant needs to move to an area to receive essential care from a close relative who lives there
  • ‘Homeless Prevention’ applicants (see below) but who have not been housed within 3 months of being awarded Band C
  • Households approved by Social Services as Adopters/Fosterers

Band C

  • Homeless but not in a priority group
  • Homeless Prevention’ applicants who are likely to be homeless and in priority need within 28 days
  • A household would suffer hardship if they did not move to a particular locality
  • Home lacks ground level access for children under 10 years old
  • Home lacks one or more basic facilities (e.g. washing, cooking, fuel supplies)

Band D

  • Employed or training in the Borough to which you are applying
  • Applicants of benefit to the community through activities such as voluntary work
  • Applicants with a family connection to a specific area who need to care or give support to a relative
  • Key workers
  • Partner tenants who are under-occupying and affected by the Housing Benefit changes
  • Households overcrowded by 1 bedroom, according to the bedroom standard

Band E


  • Applicants who have no housing need