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Local Lettings Policies

The following Local Lettings Policies are in place;

Morley Croft, Leyland

This local lettings policy (LLP) is to apply to all general needs lettings within the scheme Morley Croft, Farrington Moss, Leyland.

Morley Croft consists of 37 general needs properties situated within a large private residential development consisting of approximately 200  properties.  The scheme contains family housing (2 and 3 bedroom houses), flats and bungalows.

There has been a long history of low level anti social behaviour (ASB) on the scheme which has increased in volume and severity over the past 2 years.  Additionally tenancy turnover has also increased. 

The scheme is aesthetically pleasing however demand has been poor.  Due to unsuccessful offers from Great Places waiting list most allocations have been sourced via local authority nominations.  A desktop review has identified that a higher than normal proportion (around 50% ) of  local authority nominees have consisted of applicants who have lived outside of the South Ribble (Leyland) area. 

A high proportion of reported ASB cases from the scheme involve children.  During 2011 , 69 incidents of ASB were reported to the Police who confirmed that the vast majority of these involved children. Having an age restriction on the flats to those with children over 16 this will reduce the number of children on the scheme and create a more balanced community.

As a result of this ,  there has been a negative impact on reputation, tenant satisfaction and sustainability at the scheme.

Aims & Objectives

  • Meet local Housing Need
  • Improve reputation and tenant satisfaction.
  • Increase sustainability, in the area, by:
    • reducing turnover;
    • increasing demand for the area / specific property types;
    • enabling residents to maintain their tenancies;
    • influencing perceptions about ASB / crime in the area;
  • Promote mixed communities in the area, by:
    • improving mix of age groups / household types;
    • improving community cohesion.